Tuesday, June 23, 2009

General Update: Vacation and Music

I spent last week in San Francisco. I had a good time. I initially choose San Francisco as my vacation spot because I have so many friends in the area. All of them (with the exception of Jenna, who I stayed with) were out of town while I was there. I spent a week alone riding trains, buses, and walking about the city. I had a great time. I mostly just wandered with my headphones on. Miles Davis and Nick Drake being the two most played artists on the iPod during the trip. I visited two museums there and saw some great art. including a few pieces by one of my favorite artists: Richard Diebenkorn. The De Young Museum also had an Andy Goldsworthy installation that was neat.

I spent a good amount of money at Amoeba Records (I got records by Bill Evans, Low/Dirty Three, Wayne Shorter, American Football, Robert Fripp and Andy Summers, Weather Report, Boards of Canada, and Peter Gabriel). Jenna took me to an awesome French-Vietnamese restaurant that was mindblowingly good. I am sad it is there and not here. I ordered a ginger lemon grass chicken with brown rice, and Jenna convinced me to get a soup that she likes...it was the best soup I've ever had, sweet spicy goodness. Vegetarian, with tamarind in it. Delicious. Jenna was a great hostess and I was happy to get to hang out with her more, as we had only hung out in person a few times previously.

Once I got back I managed to get to work on music again pretty quickly. I have 3-5 tracks in varying stages of completion. Christopher should be coming over to drum on a few of them in the near future. They range in style. I'm really starting to get excited about this album I've been working on. It feels like an album full of intros and outros but with very few full songs, lol. I like that. Just pieces of moods and sketches of ideas. Honestly, its the best I'm able to do right now, and that is just fine. Talked to Janessa today and with any luck she will be coming over sometime in the next week to finally finish up some Narrator Is Lying tracks. At this point I still expect to release that as well as the Colorfield Bridge album by the Fall/Winter this year. This has not been the best or most entertaining update ever, I'll try harder next time.

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