Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ghosts, Christopher Bright, A Break from the Sea, and Redwoods

Christopher came over last night to track some drums for Colorfield Bridge. I played with Christopher previously in Glider, August Kelly, and C is for Carlo. We hadn't gotten together in a while and definitely had not played music in a long time. It was good to get a chance to catch up, hang out, and most of all get to work on some tunes. He set up a kick, snare, hi-hat, and crash in my room and we put up three mic's. The first song we tracked was just a few guitars that to me at least were too simple and did not amount to a whole lot. I played the track and he learned it quickly and had a solid take down in just a few tries. I have since added vocals and bass and am extremely happy with the result. I think it's one of my favorite pieces in recent memory, its funny how a few little touches can really just make something awesome. His performance on the track is great. The song is now titled Ghosts and can be heard on my myspace page.

After tracking Ghosts we moved on to a song called A Break from the Sea (which is a play/joke on the album title for the Glider album that has been in limbo for what seems like years). I had recorded the song about a year prior and had just recently done some re-sequencing of the audio. When I played it I played to a click but didn't bother to set the meter so when my time signatures changed it just felt natural to me....the count was incredibly screwy and it took a few hours to get drums learned and tracked for it. The count was so difficult to get we had to try for a long time to figure out how to break it up, eventually we got it and wrote the info on his snare head for easy access (lol/see image). We eventually got it all laid down. Im happy with his performance, but upon further listening I'm not sure about the song. I am going to work with it and see if I can get it to a place where I am happy with it, but I fear it will take a lot of work to get it anywhere close.

I also recently finished a song titled Redwoods (that has also been uploaded to the myspace). It is the second song to feature Amber Ormand (of Cloudcraft and Silver Pines) on vocals, the first being Sky Travel. It had been almost finished for over a month. I finally got around to fixing up the percussion and a delay problem with the horns. It now sounds great, in my opinion at least. Parker helped out tracking the percussion a while back when the song was still brand new.

Darn, I'm now listening back to Ghosts and it's overall level is too low in comparison to the rest of the tracks, I'll have to fix that later, but for now it is bedtime. Art Walk in Santa Ana and Violaine in LA tomorrow. Goodnight. :)

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