Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Music and food....

Well, it has been a while and a lot has happened. Sort of. I just got back (a few days ago) from Santa Cruz, CA. I flew up there to mix the Glider album that has been sitting in limbo for months and months. I flew up Thursday night and got in around 11:30pm. Upon arrival we tracked vocals to one of the two tracks that was incomplete. The next three days were spent mixing for 13 hours a day. We lost 6 or 7 hours due to computer problems on Saturday which put us behind schedule. All in all though, things are sounding great. I have high hopes that we can get the album sent off to be mastered in the next few weeks. I have also more or less finished the Colorfield Bridge and Narrator Is Lying discs. They are just awaiting art design and release.

In other news: I start Culinary school this Sunday! I'm so excited! :) I've been cooking a lot lately anyways and I look forward to learning more about the subject. Two nights ago I tried a new (to me) way of cooking pasta: you cook it in water and red wine (1:2). It gives the noodles a red color and infuses them with a great flavor. I then heated up some oil and tossed in garlic and crushed red pepper and cooked the spaghetti (after draining) in the pan with a 1/2 cup of the cooking liquid, until the liquid was gone. It was then tossed with Olive Oil and Italian Parsley (chopped). It turned out pretty good. I think next time I am going to use much more garlic and add in some shallots and red bell pepper. It had a great buttery consistency but lacked some flavor depth. I think the addition of the shallots and red pepper will help bring out some of the flavors and will pair well with the wine. I will likely start writing updates about school and my cooking adventures (as well as continue my boring updates about music).

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