Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New musical avenues.....+ art purchases.

So I spent yesterday helping Romak (of Romak & the Space Pirates) record a parody/cover version of Lady GaGa's Just Dance. I think it came out really well. We tracked to a really cheesy midi version of the song, and layered on 4 vocal tracks. I will be helping him film a video for the song this coming Sunday evening. We got to talking, as we had not hung out much in quite some time, and it seems like we work pretty well in the studio together, so I am going to be helping him with a solo album. I'm pretty sure in addition to engineering the solo disc I will also be performing on it and helping with some writing, which should be a blast. Romak's music has a certain sense of humor that I never have in my own music, I just don't know how to include humor in my music, so it should be a fun project to be working on, and will hopefully help me grow as a musician. After he left I dug out the first Space Pirates album.
Years ago Rory, Daniel, and I helped produce/engineer the record. I had not heard it since it's release. I played on one track, Daniel played on one, and I did some edit or other on another. I really enjoyed listening to that album after all that time, it really was a good album. Of all the music I've recorded, albums I've worked on, etc. recording that album was the most memorable experience of recording. It took weeks, working every day at the peak of summer in a boiling hot room. There were always tons of extra people just hanging around the studio or out front, we all ate together, chain smoked cigarettes together, played monopoly while others were tracking, it was a blast and I hope to never forget how fun it was.

In addition to working with Romak, I have begun work on a solo album of my own. I have two tracks demoed out. One is in a shoegaze style and the other is somewhat reminiscent of late 90s indie rock such as Owls or American Football. I don't know exactly what I want to do musically with this solo release and it will likely be a hodgepodge, chock full of friends helping out. That is my hope anyways. I'll post the two demos just as soon as I think of a name for the project (I don't want to use my name).

Lastly, in this long update: I attended the opening of Inside the White Cube at The Box Gallery in Costa Mesa. The show featured white on white works by Joseph Hawa, curated by my friend Johnny Sampson. It was a pretty good show. I hadn't expected to, but I ended up buying one of the pieces. My small collection of art is growing! I got one of a series of four titled 'Geometrics'. I'll recieve it after the show is over (I'll post a picture then). Here are a few pictures from the show:

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