Thursday, May 21, 2009

Colorfield Bridge + Thoughts on music listening environments

So, I said I would post more once I had a name to the project. Well, the new band/recording project is called Colorfield Bridge. I have also solidified the idea behind the project a little bit. It is meant to be raw short songs. I don't want to record more than a take or two for everything. I want there to be flaws in the music. I want it to be human and a real performance. I don't want to edit everything into perfection. I want it to be spontaneous (start and finish a song in the same day as much as is possible). I want it to sound like it was made in my bedroom (which, for the most part has been and will be the case). Lastly, I want to collaborate with as many friends as are willing. I have two tracks with Amber on vocals (only one currently posted, I think I'm going to try to get Carlo to play drums on the other). Anyways, I hope to release a 15 - 20 song album in the winter of 09/10 sometime. I have the album name picked out already (Without the Horses). It will likely be the first release on the new label I am starting (now that I am pretty much fully removed from my former record label The Gaia Project). Anyways, enough about the new projects. TO hear tracks please go to On to other thoughts.....

Maybe it's just me but have you ever noticed how certain albums are great for listening to with a bunch of friends, some are great for putting on at work with co-workers, but some are really just for you.....songs or albums that you only listen to when you are alone? I have a lot of albums/music like that, they just aren't things that are good to listen to around even one or two other people usually. I think these are my favorite albums, they always end up being so personal, so much a part of my day. I listen to them driving my car, or on an iPod while I shop for groceries, or on my record player while I do the dishes. They comfort me in ways that the music I play when around other people can't/doesn't. What are your favorite albums to put on when you are alone, but never play around many other people? My least favorite listening environment for music is at work. While there is some crossover between my co-workers and I (we can always agree on Jazz or anything by The Weepies/Deb Talan) most of what I listen to (even beyond the aforementioned alone music) is not stuff that I can play around them. Even if some of them liked would like it I can't manage to put on a Sunny Day Real Estate album or Daft Punk or even Nick Drake. I put on Nick Drake one time and just felt wrong listening to it with them there. It's funny how music can be like that, demanding a certain environment, a certain level of comfort with your surroundings. I had just been thinking about this and thought I'd type it up.

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